Duckling Game 01: Showing off my flaws

I never wanted to throw ducklings off a cliff but now that I've got you attention, let's talk keeping a group of ducklings alive against their best attempts.. Of course the old adage is something about herding cats but one of my core memories is of holding a duckling on my hand and what better place to start than the beginning.

The mechanics are simple, you get a few turns to move the ducklings, they get a few turns to move themselves.. We've all seen the little videos about little duckeys walking down a sewer grate, one after the other like lemmings; or off of really high ledges. Basically they're lemmings but these ones are actively trying to kill themselves. In predictable, pre-programmed and plan-able ways of course. After all at the core it's a 2d sequencing puzzle. 

My plans are many and my dreams are of the stars but to begin with I wanna start with a simple in-game level editor and a way for people to share their creations. Might be firebase, might not.. we'll see when we get there. Then all I have to do is figure out how to get it in front of people. That's always been a problem.

But let's start at the beginning: Today I released the first playable version of the game. It's only got 5 levels, looks nothing like the vision I've got of it in my head and still has an amazingly long way to go but I already received and implemented some nice feedback and it's made a very positive difference, so more feedback I crave.


Ducklings - 2022.01.20 - Play in browser
Jan 20, 2022


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Excited to see how it plays! Looks interesting.

oh, the fries are the ducklings.. in case that wasn't totally obvious :P